Espionage has been going on for as long as people have sought to gain an advantage over their rivals. Britain had the Profumo spy scandal in 1961 when the Secretary of State for War was compromised by his affair with a 19 year old model, who at the same time was involved with a Soviet…
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September has been designated World Alzheimer’s Month by charities around the world in order to raise awareness about the condition. The campaign will focus on September 21st, nominated as World Alzheimer’s Day. People often get confused about the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: dementia is a syndrome associated with a gradual decline of brain…
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The latest meeting of the Herts County Council Children’s, Young People and Families Cabinet Panel, held on June 17th, revealed that the number of children in care who had three or more placements in the last year has continued to fall. In addition, the number of children in the county who remained in the same…
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The UK Office for National Statistics reports that in 2019 the average life expectancy for a male was 79.4 years and for a female was 83.1 years. This continues the general upward trend seen since the 1840s, when we could expect to live for only half this number of years. Not only are people living…
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The Nuffield Family Justice Authority is an evidence and data-based think-tank highlighting the need for change within the family justice system. The latest report from the organisation focuses on the increasing numbers of babies being taken from their mothers at birth, and explores ways in which vulnerable mothers and their babies can be kept together…
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Blame for delays and breakdowns in the house buying chain is often unfairly attributed to estate agents and solicitors, as well as other professionals such as surveyors and finance providers. House buying can be a complicated business, and with large amounts of money at stake it is essential that searches, surveys and legal documents are…
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Following their success in winning the Herts Advertiser Intermediate Cup in December Harpenden Colts Old Boys Reserves made it a cup double in the Junior Cup Final, with a 2-0 win against Welwyn Warriors Reserves. A fine passing move lead to a first half headed goal from Sam Spranger, and nerves were settled with 15…
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One of the hidden side-effects of the twelve-month long coronavirus pandemic has been the increased levels of domestic abuse and the effect the lockdowns have had on vulnerable children. Now the latest report from children’s charity the NSPCC has revealed that calls to its helpline have risen to record levels, with nearly 85,000 contacts made…
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Genealogy, or tracing your ancestors, has been popularised by TV shows such as Who Do You Think You Are? and Long Lost Family. Financial incentives, time constraints, and competition from rival businesses have been added to the mix in the BBC’s Heir Hunters series. Heir Hunters follows the attempts by genealogy businesses to trace the…
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We have launched a social media fundraising initiative that aims to raise funds for the local branch of The Hygiene Bank (covering the areas of Harpenden, St Albans, Luton and Hemel) whilst providing a cost-effective advertising platform for local businesses. We have created a FaceBook group called “St Albans, Harpenden,Luton and Hemel Business Advertising &…
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