How many question would you have got right in our quick Christmas quiz? Scroll to the bottom of the page for the answers….. Which British artist has a whopping eight Christmas number ones under their belt, with different acts? In everyone’s favourite Christmas Rom Com, Love Actually, what song is Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) trying…
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On the 12th day of Christmas my lawyer sent to me………….. 12 Jurors Judging On the 11th day of Christmas my lawyer sent to me………….. 11 Landlord’s Leases – Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 places an obligation on the landlord to maintain the structure and exterior of the property, including installations…
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Nobody likes to think that a time may come when they are unable to make their own decisions, perhaps because of a stroke, accident, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. However, nobody has an automatic right to take control of your affairs if you are unwell – not even your spouse. You need to give people a…
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A recent report by Retail Week, the leading website and magazine for the UK retail industry, investigates the effects of the coronavirus and lockdowns on the high street. The report goes on to suggest ways in which high street retailers can look forward to the future with confidence. Research by professional services group PwC claims…
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Walk along the High Street in Redbourn, four miles north of St Albans, and you’ll see a variety of different architectural styles. This is not surprising, since the village has been occupied since Saxon times and was recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086. The Roman road of Watling Street ran along the High Street…
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Most people know that writing a Will creates a legally-binding document, written by you or occasionally on your behalf, which sets out what you want to happen to your property, assets and personal possessions after your death. But what about the digital legacy most of us will also leave behind now that the internet affects…
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Couples who marry despite the wide gap in their ages are often featured in newspapers and celebrity magazines. Think of Michael Douglas and Catharine Zeta-Jones (age gap 25 years) or Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trogneux (24 years). However, there are increasing concerns surrounding instances of predatory marriage, the practice of marrying an elderly, often vulnerable,…
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Espionage has been going on for as long as people have sought to gain an advantage over their rivals. Britain had the Profumo spy scandal in 1961 when the Secretary of State for War was compromised by his affair with a 19 year old model, who at the same time was involved with a Soviet…
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September has been designated World Alzheimer’s Month by charities around the world in order to raise awareness about the condition. The campaign will focus on September 21st, nominated as World Alzheimer’s Day. People often get confused about the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: dementia is a syndrome associated with a gradual decline of brain…
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The latest meeting of the Herts County Council Children’s, Young People and Families Cabinet Panel, held on June 17th, revealed that the number of children in care who had three or more placements in the last year has continued to fall. In addition, the number of children in the county who remained in the same…
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