There is a widespread misconception among the public that cohabiting couples are in a “common law marriage”, and have the same rights as legally married couples. Research in 2013 showed that 47% of 18-34 year olds believed that cohabiting couples had the same legal rights as married couples. And 58% of all people were unaware…
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Most people will know that the Dam Busters raid in 1943 happened over the Mohne, Eder and Sorpe Dams in the Ruhr Valley, heartland of Germany’s industrial power in World War 2 and beyond. Many people may also know that the bouncing bomb was tested off Chesil beach in Dorset, and that the disused Nant-y-Gro…
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The Government has released details of draft proposals to overhaul the laws on domestic abuse, which are set to include non-physical and economic forms of abuse for the first time. Coercive behaviour and psychological ill-treatment, as well as control over a victim’s finances, would in future be included within the legal definition of domestic abuse.…
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If you want to ensure that all you own continues to benefit the people that you love and the charities that you support, it is essential to make a will. Making a will need not be complicated. To help you get started we have created ‘Five questions to ask yourself before you make a will’. This article…
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The hot tip for winning a hat full of trophies at this year’s film awards is The Favourite, starring Olivia Colman, Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz in the leading roles. Olivia Colman, in the role of Queen Anne, recently picked up the award for Best Actress at the Golden Globes in Los Angeles, and the…
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Spotting trends and predicting what will happen to house prices is always a popular feature of the property pages at this time of year. London prices may have shown a downturn over the last 12 months, with the Office for National Statistics reporting a drop of 1.7% for 2018, but property prices in our local…
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Every year we host a Christmas Quiz to raise funds for a local charity. This year we raised £1074 for Camphill Village Trust an amazing charity which supports adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems. The video is a sample of questions from our Christmas themed Quiz. Do you know the answers? Why not…
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Couples who marry despite the wide gap in their ages are often featured in newspapers and celebrity magazines. Think of Michael Douglas and Catharine Zeta-Jones (age gap 25 years), or Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster (26 years). And it could be argued that in politics such a wide age gap between spouses has a positive…
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VAWG might not be the most well-known acronym, but what it represents is one of the most widespread and damaging human rights violations seen around the world. VAWG stands for Violence against Women and Girls, and the United Nations designates November 25th each year as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to…
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It can be no coincidence that large numbers of professional business owners choose to invest their private pensions in commercial property, very often in the premises from which they carry out their business. The funds come from their privately-held SIPP (Self-invested Personal Pension) or SASS (Small Self-Administered Scheme), with the main attractions for the investor…
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