In line with other parts of the law the Family Justice system has been hearing some cases via telephone and video conferencing, rather than meeting face to face in court. The object of this is to minimize the risk of the Covid-19 virus being passed on through unnecessary personal contact. These temporary measures were rapidly…
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We have written previously predicting that the current Covid-19 lockdown measures would lead to an increase in domestic violence cases . Refuge, the domestic abuse charity, had already reported a 25% increase in phone calls and online requests for help in the first two weeks of the restrictions, as well as a huge increase in…
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The country seems to be slowly edging towards the peak of the Covid-19 outbreak, as lockdown and social distancing measures gradually begin to stop the spread of the disease. The consequences of the pandemic have been terrible for individuals and for the country, but already thoughts are turning to re-starting the economy and easing mobility…
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It is with great sadness that we announce that our friend and colleague George Selvarajan has passed away. We are very grateful to him for his contribution to the firm in recent years as a consultant. He was always happy to share his extensive legal knowledge, local connections and…
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It is hard to put a positive slant on the residential property market during the coronavirus lockdown. Sales had been strong in the first three months of the year, after the uncertainties around Brexit and December’s general election had been resolved. Now the current advice from the government regarding moving house is effectively to avoid…
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Sadly the predictions and fears raised in our recent article, Covid 19 Leads to an Increase in Domestic Violence, linking the COVID-19 lockdown to an increase in domestic violence have proved to be correct. In the last two weeks Refuge, the charity which campaigns against domestic abuse and violence, has reported a 25% increase in…
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With the UK on lockdown and the current restrictions on social mobility, welfare groups across the country, as well as charities, social services and the police are focusing their attention on violence in the home. Millions of family members are being forced to live in close contact with each other, often with little in the…
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It has been reported that in the parts of China worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak incidences of domestic violence have increased to three times their normal level, following weeks of household lockdowns and strict isolation. Recognising that rising levels of domestic violence will likely spread to the UK following our own restrictions on social…
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We have been asked to pass on the following message to anyone who has business premises in the St Albans District. In response to Covid -19 the Government have announced that businesses with a Rateable Value (RV) of less than £15,000 and who receive small business rate relief or who are in the retail, hospitality…
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With public health at the front of everyone’s minds it is no surprise that more and more people are seeking to update their will, or in many cases draw up a will for the first time. The Law Society and the government are currently looking at ways to streamline the execution process in light of…
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