The latest easing of lockdown restrictions against the coronavirus has seen the majority of shops re-open in England, including those previously classed as non-essential. Shops must continue to keep customers the required two metres apart with the help of floor markings, and tills should have plastic screens around them to minimise contact with shoppers. Other…
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The Family Court exists to settle disputes and make orders in relation to family law. Typically this involves decisions on the care and upbringing of children, local authority intervention to protect children, adoption, matters relating to divorce, financial support of ex-partners and children following relationship breakdowns, and provide protection from domestic violence. The coronavirus pandemic…
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Former Home Secretary Sajid Javid has revealed that he is to head an inquiry into child sex abuse in conjunction with the Centre for Social Justice. The inquiry will examine organised child sexual exploitation, gangs and grooming, as well as the online abuse of children. The investigation is to be a “no holds barred” exercise,…
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Conflicting messages on the current state of the residential property market have emerged in the last few days. On May 27th Rightmove, Britain’s biggest internet-based residential property agency, reported more than 6 million visits to its website. This was an 18% increase on the same day last year and the highest daily figure since the…
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A study into the commercial property market released at the beginning of June by Rightmove shows that activity in the sector has quickly recovered to pre-lockdown levels. Rightmove claims to be the UK’s largest online commercial property agency, and has reported that enquiries in May were 6% higher this year than in May 2019. Their…
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Facing the often sudden death of a family member is difficult enough. Bereaved relatives report that they are now suffering additional stress as they try to settle the deceased’s affairs because of inefficiency on the part of banks, pension companies and utility suppliers. Clearly the Coronavirus outbreak has had an effect on the ability of…
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We have reported several times on the increase in domestic abuse incidents during the coronavirus lockdown. People in abusive relationships are clearly under intense pressure from their abuser when forced to live side by side under lockdown restrictions, and as the containment measures continue into their ninth week and beyond the stresses and strains will…
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As the country moves on from the peak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the issue of when and how schools should re-open is dividing the nation. Many parents and teaching professionals hold views which are fundamentally opposed to each other, and finding a solution which satisfies everyone will not be easy. The most recent government announcement…
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Restrictions on moving home have been relaxed by the government, but buyers and sellers should remain alert to the dangers they face when in close contact with other people. Ensure you are Covid-19 free and check others involved in viewings are too. Limit any contacts with people outside your household, whether you are buying or…
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The Government has announced a limited lifting of coronavirus restrictions in the last few days in order to get people back to work and kick-start the economy. This has now been extended with the sudden news that the housing market is to be re-opened with immediate effect. This means that estate agents can open their…
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