Articles in several local newspapers this week describe the often muddled handling of children in care across Hertfordshire. Statistics provided by Hertfordshire County Council’s Children, Young People and Families Cabinet Panel show that in December 2018 there were a total of 846 “looked after” children in the county, with another 113 unaccompanied children seeking asylum.…
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Child Law

The Children’s Commissioner for England, Anne Longfield, has published a report claiming that in March, 2017, there were almost 20,000 babies under one year old identified by local authorities as being “in need”. Entitled “A Crying Shame”, the report states that around a quarter of these babies were currently being looked after by social services,…
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When children are placed for adoption the Local Authority (LA) often opposes any direct continuing contact with the birth family. LA’s argue that they would not be able find adopters who would agree to this, and fear that continuing contact could disrupt the adoption placement. In the past, adoption was typically a very secretive process,…
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The Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield, has published an updated study on childhood vulnerability for 2018. The report details the shocking statistic that 2 million children in England live in families with complex social needs, and of these 1.6 million children receive no recognised programme of additional support. The study claims that the current welfare system…
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Under the Child Abduction Act 1984 it is a criminal offence for anyone connected with a child under 16 to take the child out of the UK without the consent of the parents, or of those with parental responsibility. The child abduction may take the form of one of the parents simply removing the child…
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In 2014 the Ministry of Justice introduced a 26-week time limit on care proceedings, but figures for July to September last year show that more than a third of cases went beyond this deadline. To address the problem a document outlining a more collaborative approach between ADCS (Association of Directors of Children`s Services) and Cafcass…
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As a senior solicitor specialising in children’s cases involving social services, Sandra Bradley is encountering more and more cases where children have been left in legal limbo. When a crisis happens children are often placed with grandparents or other family members, after the intervention of social services. Often there will be no proper system set…
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Vulnerable Children are trapped in a Revolving Door due to a lack of Support, so says a report from the Watford-based charity Action for Children, claiming that up to 140,000 young people may be affected. They are children who are repeatedly referred to social services because of issues such as domestic abuse, parental mental health,…
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Family Law Solicitor, Heidi Fleming, explains the new childcare laws which are coming into force on 1st September – an essential read for any one with children under four years of age. At present parents of 3 and 4 year olds receive a contribution equal to 570 hours of free childcare a year, usually broken down…
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Custody, residence, contact, visitation, access…. These terms are all now incorporated into a Child Arrangements Order. If parents separate and no agreement is reached in respect of their child(ren) the first option should be mediation. If mediation is unsuitable or fails then an application to the Court for a Child Arrangements Order can be made.…
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