Sacha is an experienced family law solicitor, qualifying in 1996. She has specialised in the law relating to children for several years and has been a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel since 2000. She often represents children, parents and other relatives in complex court proceedings. Most of her work involves cases where the…
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Kelly is an experienced family solicitor and a member of Resolution. She specialises in children matters but undertakes a full range of family work, including domestic violence. When a relationship has broken down, Kelly advises and represents parents when there is a dispute concerning the children. Kelly also advises and represents parents when Social Services…
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Four years ago, the then government implemented the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO). Hundreds of thousands of people who were eligible for legal aid on 31 March 2013 became ineligible the very next day. Four years on, the Law Society has conducted a review of the legal aid changes introduced…
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The debate continues over how best to meet Britain`s housing shortage. Large-scale developments on the edge of towns and villages are popular with house-builders on the basis of cost and practicality, but less so from environmentalists who see them as encroaching on our precious green spaces. Likewise residents complain that these projects can fundamentally alter…
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As a senior solicitor specialising in children’s cases involving social services, Sandra Bradley is encountering more and more cases where children have been left in legal limbo. When a crisis happens children are often placed with grandparents or other family members, after the intervention of social services. Often there will be no proper system set…
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In May 2013 the Government brought in changes to the planning laws in England which made it much easier to convert commercial buildings for residential use. When the national housing shortage was combined with depressed office rents and an excess of empty office buildings it was an obvious “quick fix” to allow the conversion of…
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Vulnerable Children are trapped in a Revolving Door due to a lack of Support, so says a report from the Watford-based charity Action for Children, claiming that up to 140,000 young people may be affected. They are children who are repeatedly referred to social services because of issues such as domestic abuse, parental mental health,…
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(Apologies to Led Zeppelin fans for borrowing the band’s song titles). King William III brought in a Window Tax in 1696 and George III introduced a Brick Tax in 1784. The Cameron-Clegg coalition had its bedroom tax in 2012, and now we have the government’s so-called “staircase tax”. The staircase tax sums up recent changes…
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